

As many professionals have learned the hard way, first impressions often last. That's why it's critical to put your best foot forward during the first few weeks at a new job. Following are some common (but potentially career-limiting) mistakes that new hires make -- along with tips on how to avoid them:


* Trying to do too much,翻譯.


While you want to contribute early on, pace yourself. You won't make a positive impact if you start stretching yourself too thin right out of the gate. Rather than putting undue pressure on yourself to overachieve, focus on getting a firm handle on your primary responsibilities, building rapport with colleagues, and identifying potential mentors.


* Being a know-it-all.


You were hired for a reason, so give your opinion when asked. After all, employers typically expect team members (especially new ones) to offer fresh ideas and solutions. But just as you don't want to be a shrinking violet who is fearful of sharing thoughts, you don't want to be labeled as disruptive either. Play it safe by being tactful and constructive with any feedback or criticism. Moreover, keep an open mind and steer clear of the always-annoying phrase,日譯中, "At my last job...?"

僱你有原由的,所以噹需要的時辰,給出你的见解。 毕竟翻結果,东家們個別皆等候團隊成員特別是新成員)能供給新設法战新的處理办法。你不會渴望成為一個懼怕分享主张的縮頭乌龜;一樣你也不會願看被噹作是損壞者。為了保嶮起睹,提出任何批駁或反應都要機靈、有培植性。並且,堅持開放的思想,禁止那句总是使人厭惡的話“在我上一份工做中……”

* Failing to make friends.


Everyone knows that it's wise to be friendly and personable when in the company of the boss. But it's not just the higher-ups you need to impress. Build relationships with all colleagues. After all, you may need to call on some of them for assistance in the future. Plus, there's no better way to ensure you'll receive a helping hand when faced with a challenge than by building bridges early on.


Starting a new job is as exciting as it is challenging. By being perceptive, engaged, and willing to learn, you can make a great impression and sidestep these hard-to-recover-from faux pas.


